Thursday, October 8, 2009

pulling weeds

Pulling weeds can become very addictive.  I found myself pulling them along the route Sarah and I took for a walk the other day... just to see if I could.  She was only a little embarrassed because she knows, understands and accepts her mother.  I wish it were as easy to pull out other things along the way.

Judy's birthday is in two days.  She gave me a nice present when she told me not long ago she never had to forgive anyone, because she refused to take offense.  She forgave as quickly as the deed was done or the unkind word was said.  We are getting up there in years, you know, and yet she still manages to teach me a thing or two from time to time.

How nice it would be just to spray my heart with a no-offense spray, like a pre-emergent weed killer.  Then the hurts and offenses would never arise and there would be no anger and nothing to forgive.

But on the other hand, it does feel good to pull up a deep rooted weed and toss it away.  Some of them look pretty grandiose waving their fancy little flowers in the air like brave and wanton flags.  But when you get close to the ground and give a good tug, they just come up - sometimes with a big whoop that knocks you over with the surprise of the ease with which it was done.  And joy of joys, there underneath the smart aleck weed is always nice clean dirt or  a little tiny new leaf from the vinca I have tried to encourage along the edges of the grass, or at least something that was being hidden and choked out from lack of water and sun.

Yesterday I was reminded that forgiveness was important with regard to anxiety and frustrating feelings I was experiencing at work.  I pondered that and decided that maybe that was true and I should try.  It surprised me how easily it was done and what pleasant things happened afterwards.  I am kind of glad I had the weed to pull, because the relief is so pleasant.  If things were always just easy and happy I know I would not appreciate them as much.  I may even begin to believe that I deserve a weedless, trouble free life.  Then if a problem came along, I may decide that I have been treated unfairly.  Whatever.  too deep for me on this beautiful morning.

I wish all my family a weed-free day today.  Grams

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